We produce pure porcelain, metal-free crowns within 1 hour. This patient broke his tooth on a popcorn kernel over lunch. The metal amalgam filling had broken a portion of his tooth.
Within an hour, he was left with a permanent crown that replaced the appearance and feel of a natural tooth. Without having to return to have his crown fitted using modern technology, we were able to produce some fantastic results!
Copyright © 2023 The Smile Gallery (East Grinstead). All rights reserved | Site last updated: 30 October 2023 | Digital Marketing by Vanilla Circus | West Sussex | Kent | Surrey | The Smile Gallery Ltd trading as The Smile Gallery @ The St James Practice, which is an Appointed Representative of Chrysalis Finance Limited. The Smile Gallery Ltd is a credit broker, not a lender. Chrysalis Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for credit broking and lending. Care Quality Commission Registered.